Online Learning

As professional blended learning and live online trainers, we have been working in virtual formats since 2018. Since 2020, we also offer you all of our services in the form of blended learning formats and live-online events.

Blended Learning Formats

FLD’s blended learning formats combine digital and analog learning methods. Participants benefit from these effective and sustainable training modules, as they are tailored to their individual needs.

FLD Online Campus

The FLD Online Campus provides our customers with a digital learning platform, which enriches in-person events with digital learning modules, promotes interactivity in the virtual space, and enables asynchronous learning.

What our clients think

Here you can find a selection of client testimonials

FLD has accompanied us on our journey for "Diversity & Gender Equality" from the very beginning. From the initial assessment to Unconscious Bias Lunch & Learns and workshops on female empowerment to specific consulting services, their outstanding expertise paired with an agile customer focus allowed them to come up with customized content and solutions in the blink of an eye. The collaboration is constantly exciting, professional and always a pleasure.

Dr. Kinga Schumacher

Head of the Diversity & Gender Equality working group at DFKI

It is a strategic goal for OFFIS to become an even more attractive employer, especially for female employees, and to encourage them to take on more leadership and management tasks. FLD’s consultants helped us with their gender check to identify the areas in the company that required work and to jointly develop a holistic strategy for more gender equality. FLD also supports us with the implementation in a pragmatical and experienced manner.

Prof. Dr. techn. Susanne Boll-Westermann

Board member at OFFIS e.V.

For our leadership tandems in the "Top Sharing" project, we were looking for a coaching team that had experience with this special form of leadership. We were already impressed by Birgit Röschert's expertise, humor and warm-heartedness during our first meeting. Our coachees confirmed this: "We were able to look at our collaboration from a completely different perspective. The learnings have a sustainable effect on our everyday life" and "Very experienced personality with a lot of empathy, high competence and expertise in leading in tandem" are just two of the feedbacks. What can we say? "It's a match!"

Simone Back und Sabine Bechler

Project management „Top-Sharing“
R+V Allgemeine Versicherung AG

FLD's workshops for the advancement of women in science strike a chord with our participants.
With a deep understanding of the particular challenges in this field, the trainers create an inclusive environment and teach important skills, for which they receive exceptionally positive feedback from the participants. Also thanks to FLD, our programs for PostDocs and International Female Scientists have received a very positive overall response and participants report that they feel empowered to deal with the complex world of academia and can act more effectively in all areas. We look forward to continuing our collaboration, as FLD is committed to promoting women in science with expertise and dedication.

Andrea Bähr

Counseling, Equal Opportunity Commission, Career Programmes
Office of the Women's Representative - Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg

Thanks to FLD’s support of our Finance is Female program, we have been able to offer several successful and extremely interesting workshops for our female participants. The feedback has been consistently positive, which is why we are always happy to work with FLD. Particular praise was given to having had a speaker with many years of experience in banking who thus is familiar with the industry’s challenges. Due to the excellent presentation of the topics and the simultaneous integration of interesting facts and figures, it is very easy to follow FLD’s talks.

Tanja Groetzner

Head of Human Resources, SEB AB Frankfurt Branch