Mentoring Programs

What is mentoring?

FLD defines mentoring as the exchange between a person with high potential (mentee) and an experienced manager as mentor. This personal relationship is voluntary and is characterized by trust, confidentiality, and the absence of hierarchy.

Mentee goals:

  • Increasing one’s visibility within the organization
  • Receiving input on issues related to career and leadership topics
  • Developing individual strategies for dealing with power and status
  • Promoting personal development
  • Expansion of internal network
  • Self-reflection and receiving constructive feedback through sparring partners
  • Examination of corporate culture

Benefits for the company:

  • Selective promotion of female high-potential employees - even in the context of mixed-gender mentoring programs
  • Raising awareness and building knowledge at all hierarchical levels on the topic of female leadership
  • Reducing structural barriers
  • Early potential and successor planning as well as employee retention
  • Enhancing employer appeal
  • Increasing the proportion of women in management positions

Our mentoring programs can be tailored to meet the specific needs of your company. Please feel free to contact us about this.  

We advise and accompany you in the conception and implementation of the individual program components. You can also take advantage of our expertise on mixed-gender mentoring programs.

Please contact us, we will gladly make you an individualized offer.

Unlock new horizons for your team! Our service connects your employees with professionals from other companies, facilitating a rich exchange of perspectives for both your mentees and mentors through cross-mentoring. Our process prioritizes utmost confidentiality while levering the synergies between the participating organizations. These companies are either based in the same region or operate within similar industries.

We provide comprehensive support for setting up and implementing the overall concept or individual elements, such as mentor qualification, the design of kick-off events, training components, and more. Elevate your employees’ potential with us!

Do you have a question about our services?

Click here to access our inquiry form. We will get back to you as soon as possible.