Julia Auerbach
Mommsenstr. 166
50935 Cologne
Julia Auerbach

“Energy flows, where attention goes."

Milton Erickson


  • Consultant at FLD fe:male leadership development GbR
  • Freelance trainer, consultant, and career coach
  • Part-time employee in personnel development
  • MA in Creative Direction
  • Several years of experience in the field of training, workshops, and coaching in various project scenarios and industries
  • Teaching assignment in the Master's program "Creative Direction" at Pforzheim University: Personal development, self-management, and future planning.
Professional expertise
  • Conception and implementation of trainings on personal development, self-management, and intergenerational collaboration
  • Individual coaching to support professional and personal future planning, guidance through phases of career change and reorientation
  • Group coaching focused on personal growth and goal achievement
  • Design and execution of workshops focused on team development and collaboration
  • Facilitation of large-group events (Bar Camp, World Café,...)
  • German
  • English
Further qualifications
  • Systemic Consulting at isb Wiesloch